'What The World Needs Now' with regards to, environmental sustainability, was the topic for the most recent publication of Independent Life Magazine (formerly, Independent Leeds), published in June.
My article is on page 10: https://issuu.com/independentlife/docs/il_mag_vol17_june_3
In the article I explore and discuss the potential use of wild, feral and foraged foods to be part of new innovative, global food production systems.
We currently waste approx 40% - 50% of what food we grow in the UK alone. Wild food sources are neglected massively, with, I estimate, as much as 90% of what grows wild and feral being left to rot, what a tremendous waste, of very viable, nutritious and free food!
Restoring Vital Connection with wild foods and the land has never been so important.
I hope you enjoy reading the article.
My article is on page 10: https://issuu.com/independentlife/docs/il_mag_vol17_june_3
In the article I explore and discuss the potential use of wild, feral and foraged foods to be part of new innovative, global food production systems.
We currently waste approx 40% - 50% of what food we grow in the UK alone. Wild food sources are neglected massively, with, I estimate, as much as 90% of what grows wild and feral being left to rot, what a tremendous waste, of very viable, nutritious and free food!
Restoring Vital Connection with wild foods and the land has never been so important.
I hope you enjoy reading the article.
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